Sunday, February 23, 2025

Paradise Park News & Updates

Paradise Park Owners:

Unfortunately, I feel compelled to send out this reminder on expectations of a Paradise Park owner. The following two paragraphs are from our “New Owner’s Package” and I believe they state correctly how the Park should operate.  However, I am concerned by recent events and actions by a few individuals. I believe that there is a need to provide this reminder of the friendly Park atmosphere that we are all trying to achieve.

“Congratulations on becoming an owner at Paradise RV Park, in Osoyoos, British Columbia.  Whether this will be your full-time, or part-time home, or merely a seasonal site where you enjoy our special style of relaxed living, you will have questions on your purchase and investment.  This kit is prepared to introduce you to the park and provide a few guidelines, which we hope, will make your stay more comfortable and enjoyable.

Paradise Park is a self-managed facility. The Park directors volunteer their time to facilitate the daily operations of the Park but depend on the contributions of the individual owners to support the various Park projects and social committee activities. The Park enjoys a diverse membership and the various talents of the owners help keep the Park running smoothly, minimizing annual costs. A ‘good neighbour outlook’ has been intrinsic in maintaining a friendly atmosphere which we have found to be uniquely ours. “

Self managed means that volunteer Directors are responsible for the management of the Park. Suggestions/complaints for the Park (ie common property, rules/regulations, additions/changes, budgets, projects, etc ) are to be submitted in writing for review and action by the Directors. For specific lot issues/concerns between you and your neighbour (ie noise issues, cutting through your lot, cars in your way, etc) I suggest chatting with your neighbour to hopefully achieve an amicable solution before approaching and burdening the Directors.

As mentioned above, the Park does rely on the contributions of its’ volunteers. I am aware that most of you understand and respect this. However, I have seen a number of situations where an owner has treated a volunteer or Director as Park ‘staff’. To be frank, I find this appalling.

It is up to all of us to ensure that a pleasant community atmosphere is preserved in the Park for everyone’s enjoyment.


Randy North
President Paradise Park Lessees Association


Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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