Saturday, February 22, 2025

Rules & Regulations

(updated March 2011 and Approved at Apr/26/2014 AGM) - PDF version


Certificate of Membership: Each member will receive a certificate of membership when purchase of membership has been completed. 

Address of Member: Each member will be required to inform the Secretary for the Board of Directors of their current address, telephone number and email.  All correspondence and call of meetings will be sent to the address on file with preference being email.  

General Meetings:  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled on the last Saturday of April of each year. 

Resolutions:  Resolutions should be submitted in writing to the Directors at least (5) five weeks prior to any scheduled AGM.  The resolution will be included in the Call of the AGM.

Annual Dues: The Directors will establish the fee for annual dues in January each year.  They will mail out the information in time to receive any comments you may have regarding the dues.


* Explanation: Under the Society Act we are considered members but we are Lot Owners in every other respect.


  1. Financial Report: A Financial Report will be presented at the annual general meeting. Also a Financial Report along with a Balance Sheet and a Trial Balance Sheet will be posted on the Bulletin Board in the clubhouse around the 15th of each month.

  2. Financial Statements: The Financial Statements for the previous year will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in the April.

  3. Proposed Budget: At the end of the fiscal year a proposed budget for the next year with Planned Expenditures will be sent out to all owners. Any comments regarding the proposed budget should be sent in to the Treasurer as soon as possible.

  4. Under $500.00: The Directors may use their discretion to pay expenses under $500.00

  5. Excess of $500.00: Expenses in excess of $500.00 will require a vote of the majority of the Directors.

  6. Expenses Listing: Expenses in excess of $500.00 will be listed and presented at the next General Meeting.

  7. Emergency Expense: An emergency expense will be an expense of $2000.00 or greater, which had not been considered in a budget. Emergency expense will require a meeting of the Directors, a majority vote of the Directors and a full explanation at the next General Meeting.


  1. Park Usage: Each member in good standing shall comply with the Rules and Regulations and may peaceably possess and enjoy their site. Together with the right in common with other members use the beach area, roads and landscape areas, swimming pool and related facilities. Any other invitees will be considered Guests, and shall comply with the Rules and Regulations.

  2. Quiet Hours: The quiet hours are 11PM to 7AM. No member or guest shall be permitted to create such a disturbance as to be a nuisance to other members. Please keep voices, radios, stereos and TV’s low enough not to disturb you neighbours.

  3. Children must be supervised and those under 6 are to be accompanied to washrooms, pool, clubhouse and beach. Children under 10 years of age shall not operate washers or dryers. Pleasure riding of bicycles or tricycles or skate boards for children under 10 are to be supervised by parents.

  4. Swimming Pool: Members and their guests shall comply with the posted rules. Any item like swim suits, life jackets, floats etc. that have been used in the lake are not allowed in the pool. There is a shower in each of the washrooms and a foot wash that you should use before entering the pool.

  5. Washrooms: The washrooms are used by everyone. Please help to keep the washrooms clean and tidy. Small children should be accompanied by an adult as a precaution.

  6. Lights: Outdoor lights, patio or decorative lights shall be shaded so as not to be a source of annoyance to neighbours.

  7. Pets are to be kept on a leash or closely watched at all times while in the park. Pets are to be kept out of the buildings and away from children’s playground. Pets are not allowed on the beach. Excessive barking and noise must be controlled. Pets are to be exercised outside the park area. All animal stools are to be picked up by the pet owner and wrapped in paper and deposited in the garbage bin.

  8. Privacy: Please use walkways and public access roads only. All sites are private property; please respect this by not cutting across anyone else’s lot.


  1. Vehicle and Roadway Standards: The speed limit shall be (10) ten km per hour for all vehicles including bicycles. Vehicles and/or trailers shall not impede traffic on roadways, and shall be within the owner’s property line.

  2. Watercraft: The speed limit for all watercraft in the lagoon (Solana Bay) is (10) ten km per hour.

  3. Swimming Pool: All persons using the pool must abide by posted pool rules. Please stay with your children as THERE ARE NO LIFEGUARDS. No lifejackets or large toys please and no items that have been previously used in the lake. Diving, running, and jumping are not permitted. Pool Hours are 9AM to 9PM with adult swimming 5 to 6 PM.

  4. Laundry Areas: Limit activity between 7AM to 10PM to ensure minimal disturbance to others. To ensure maximum use for everyone please remove your clothes as soon as possible on completion of the machine cycle.

  5. Dock Use: Diving from the dock is not permitted and swimming in the Solana Bay is done at the swimmers’ own risk. Children under 10 years of age shall be accompanied by adults. Life jackets are recommended for children. Please respect the kids fishing hole at the end of the dock.

  6. Waste: Each member is responsible to ensure their site is tidy. Place all wrapped household garbage and deposit it in the dumpster bin marked “household “. The 2nd dumpster bin marked “green” is for yard wastes (ie leaves, branches). It is the responsibility of the owner to dispose of any hazardous waste from their lot (ie car battery, paint)

  7. Recycle: Bottles/Cans and cardboard are to be neatly place in the recycling shed on the beach path. Absolutely No Cardboard in either the large “household” or “Green” dumpster bins.
    Please see complete Recycling instructions posted in the Clubhouse.

  8. Propane: All propane tanks or propane equipment shall comply fully with current government regulations. Old propane tanks are to be taken to the Husky Station by the owner.

  9. Sinks and Sewer Adaptors: All units must have sinks and a drain hose to the sewer connection. Sewer hose adapters must be used. No coffee grounds or disposable diapers are to be put down sewer drains.

  10. Alcohol: The consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be confined to individual campsites or designated functions held in the park common areas.

  11. Sprinklers are automatic and operate during the night. Items left out on the lawn will get watered.


  1. For site changes and alterations there are specific procedures to be followed for approval prior to commencing the work. See Appendix A - SITE CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS for detailed information.


  1. The dock is intended for fishing, loading and unloading boats so space should always be left on the dock for these activities. Boat moorage should be by anchoring (to a buoy) or by pulling up on the beach.

  2. See Appendix B – DOCK AND MOORAGE for detailed information (in progress).


  1. Business Activities: No member, their families, or guest, shall conduct or advertise business on the park premises.

  2. Service of Employees: No member shall engage the services of an employee of the Association while on official duty.

  3. Weapons: The discharge of firearms and all weapons of any kind whatsoever are prohibited.



Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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