• Osoyoos, BCWelcome to Osoyoos, BC
  • Osoyoos, BCParadise Park is located off beautiful Lake Osoyoos.
  • Paradise Park from Solana BayParadise Park from Solana Bay.
  • Paradise Park Rose GardenParadise Park rose garden is maintained by volunteers.
  • Paradise Park Swimming PoolParadise Park maintains a pool for a nice cool dip.
Monday, March 03, 2025

Welcome to Paradise Park

To all Owners in Paradise Park,

Your board of directors are asking your assistance in regards to the following policy.

Kindly refrain from giving any and all suggestions and/or complaints to any contract workers or staff of Paradise Park.

All suggestions and complaints need to be brought to the attention of the board of directors. You have elected us to deal with all situations in our park. It is important that we all understand the possibility of conflict if everyone, with good intentions, is trying to dictate to our contract workers and staff the scope of their work.

The park could find itself in a legal conflict with contract workers or staff if anyone is confrontational towards them.

We as your board would appreciate you abiding by this policy and look forward to making our park a great place to be at.

Yours truly;
Don Schultz, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors

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Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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