Monday, February 03, 2025

Paradise Park News

2016 Tax Notices

Hi Owners,

By now, all Owners should have received their individual lot BC Tax Notices for the year 2016 by mail from the Town of Osoyoos. If not, please call the Town of Osoyoos Property Taxes office and ask to speak to Phyllis. (

Phyliss from the Town of Osoyoos Property Taxes department has asked the Board of Directors to remind owners that haven't paid their taxes yet, that they are now overdue. Overdue taxes need to be paid ASAP.

Pool Closure

To All Paradise Park Owners;

Our pool will be closed for the season after this weekend, September 17.

We are going to do some repairs and refinishing of pool surface.

This was one of the projects that we listed needed to be done at our AGM last spring.

Your board wants to thank you for your understanding and we look forward to be able to use our renovated pool next year.

Yours Truly;
Don Schultz

Brenda Hill Memorial

It is with a real sense of sadness that we received news of the passing of Brenda Hill, wife of Marcel Hill.  They have been long time owners in the park (Lot 69).

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Osoyoos Water Restrictions

To All Owners at Paradise Park,

The Board of Directors would like you all to be aware that Town Council has implemented Level #2 of the Water Conservation Bylaw No. 1273 effective at midnight Friday, June 19, 2015 until further notice.  

This will result in limits to watering of lawns and other water restrictions within the park to the two identified days of Sunday and Wednesday.

For more detailed information regarding the times one can water and other restrictions please refer to their website:



Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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