Friday, March 14, 2025

Paradise Park News

Some Owners may have received a 2015 Property Tax Assessment notice for their Lot. This assessment is only for the “buildings” on the lot and is the owner’s responsibility.   BC Assessment has said that a copy of this assessment gets sent to the owner and the Lessees Association. Mailing of the Lessee’s copy to the owner is an oversight as in previous years this copy has never been sent.

The Paradise Park Lessees Association receives a Property Tax Assessment notice for the entire Park excluding the “buildings” on the Lots. These taxes are paid by the Park and are included in your annual maintenance dues.


Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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